We Are RVA.

I’m proud and thrilled to announce The RVA Group will be sponsoring Art on Wheels and Gallery5 for the month of January. In addition, if you attend ANY of these events in the month or you DONATE to Gallery5 or Art on Wheels or both, you will automatically be entered into a raffle. I’m giving away a $100 gift certificate to YOUR favorite local restaurant in RVA. I will be pulling and announcing the winner live on the internets on February 1st! Also, for all those Amazon deliveries, did you know you can contribute to these organizations through AMAZON SMILE? Once you choose your nonprofit there, a portion of your Amazon order will be donated to that organization. Easy peasy! Just see me at the event and I’ll enter you into the raffle, if you contribute online instead, just send me confirmation of your donation and I’ll add you on the list. Click below to donate now and let’s show our city how much we love investing in her.

Catchy title, no? As we embark on another year, it is my goal to make 2022 one which will—not suck. When I decided to get into real estate, it was imperative that I go with the notion that I didn’t want to just specialize in home sales. What I want to do is get others to invest in their communities. It’s no secret that RVA has a tendency to participate in the ‘gentrification” game, but time and time again, I see people moving into “transitioning” neighborhoods, who just live there. I don’t see them getting involved in their communities which just makes me sad. This is why I love the agency I work for so much!

They, WE believe in supporting Richmond. Our local businesses and nonprofits are the backbone of our thriving city. I work with the Latin Ballet of Virginia because it is important to bring culture, education, and language through dance to RVA and its children. We have so many wonderful organizations helping to make Richmond a better place through cultural, educational, artistic, and musical experiences, and I wholeheartedly support that. We have one of the most vibrant and diverse art and music scenes out there and It has been a great influence on who I’ve become today. Without it, RVA would not have the identity, diversity, or character it’s been tattooed with throughout the years. So, I ask, are you ready to contribute to RVA in 2022?

Gallery5 circa 1880.