Gratitude Attitude

We are at the time of year where we say thanks and graciously appreciate all that we have. I know it’s been rough. I think this year has tried to kill any spirit i have left. I feel a lot of us are struggling in ways we hadn’t seen before and they can be both scary and disorienting. The best thing to do to remedy these feeling is to do something good. I’m big believer in collective energy and I fear that is what the world is missing right now. That energy is also contagious, so if we all just tried to do something kind and good for others, perhaps we can shift this heavy dark weight?

Here’s a start:

VOLUNTEER: Find a local charity and take a day with you, your family, your friends, whoever and go help an organization out.

FUNDRAISE: Hold a donation drive for your favorite local charity. Every bit counts so make it fun and festive while helping these organizations stay afloat.

WRITE A LETTER: Whether you send a card or write a letter, you won’t believe what it feels like to see that in the mail amongst all the bills. I guarantee you, it will make someone’s day.

DELIVER A MEAL: Make some baked goods or a simple meal to bring to other’s doorsteps. It will be a delight for sure!

OFFER TO BABYSIT: My friend’s with kids are so exhausted. They barely have time to spend with each other or do anything for themselves. Frankly, I’m tired of seeing kids at breweries. Volunteer some time to babysit for your friends. They will appreciate the the cherished time spent on adulting.

DRIVE BY COMPLIMENTS: This is one of my favorite TikTok things. I love the people at stop lights or driving by slowly and giving others compliments. The smiles are so worth it! Positive Catcalling if you will!

TEACH: Do you have a friend who is constantly needing help with a skill that you possess? Take a day and have a teaching session. This not only goes a long way, but you are giving something of great value to someone else.

It doesn’t take much to be kind or to appreciate the things you have. Giving others the same will bring everyone to a better place.

This year I am raising money for the following charities, help me reach my goals!

Photo: Jesus Espinosa/Xinhua via ZUMA Press

Cruz Roja Mexicana: The Red Cross in Mexico to help those displaced during Hurricane Otis.

Jeremy and Kristen Turner: Friends of mine who lost everything in the Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire. They are just trying to start over.

Latin Ballet of Virginia: I love this organization and what they do to give kids confidence in their identity and connects them with their culture. It is an organization close to my heart and who doesn’t love to dance!