How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Consume the Ways…


I had a rule when I was in the dating game—never eat on the first date. People questioned this, but the truth is, in my opinion, eating with someone is an intimate act. It is one of vulnerability and surrendering of the senses. It’s also awkward at times sitting with a stranger while chewing politely the meal that may, or may not be paid for, interviewing for the position of Executive Companion. I think there’s different levels of dining experiences depending on where you are in the relationship. I mean think about it, are you at the point where you can snag a bite from your partners plate or are you staying away from handheld foods? And, although we hope our partners are excellent cooks in the kitchen, we have been quite favored to have some of the best restaurants in the country.

Finding places for romantic dinners is easy in a place so saturated by delicious meals. So, no matter what “base” you’re at, you can find savory morsels, romantic settings, and casual comforts. Here are a few of my favorites because let’s face it, the date could bomb, but at least your stomach will be happy


First Base

“Wait, what’s a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?”

Third Base

“I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.”

Second Base

”Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.”


"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."


Best Places to Meet People

Tinder not working for you? The hive emptying out on Bumble? Sometimes you just want to meet people organically. These are my favorite picks for such casual encounters.

  • Cask Cafe. Why? Because the bar lends itself to communal conversation and it’s easy to listen without a bunch of loud noise. If things really kick off, you can escape to the back room and have some privacy (it’s not as sexy as it sounds.)

  • Lemaire at Happy Hour. Why? Because you get to meet travelers from different places and who knows, some hot single celeb may be looking for someone just like you! I mean what better scenery to meet someone.

  • Quirk Rooftop. Why? Cause it’s pretty and the outdoors is good for you.

  • Chop Suey or Libraries. Why? Because what a person reads is a good indication that 1. they are literate and 2. Books are a good for conversation

  • Lowes. Why? Because who doesn’t want a handy person around? I have tons of things to fix!

  • Penny Lane or Rosie’s on Game Day or a Kicker’s Game. Why? Because people who watch sports tend to be passionate.

  • Steady Sounds or Plan 9. Why? Because music is everything. We’re actually quite attracted to those who love the same sonics as we do.

  • VMFA or Any Museum. Why? Because they enjoy beauty and get things that are beneath the layers.

  • Grocery Stores. Stay out of frozen foods and get into the produce section.

Interactive Dates

Sometimes you need some action in your action. RVA has some fun places for dates you should try out.


Hotel Greene
Signature Cocktails. Wes Anderson-esque setting. Indoor putt putt. What’s not to love!

River City Roll
Good Bites. Nice loungy vibe. Great for “striking” up conversation!

Decent Craft Brews. A nice patio. Video Games Galore.

Goochland Drive-In
Still cool and what’s more date like than a drive in movie.

TopGolf or Drive Shack
Nothing says first date like the hitting of balls.

Join the Pinball Collective
High score all day long!

Tang and Biscuit
Group Date! Shuffleboard and Board Games.

Hollywood Cemetery. It’s actually quite romantic with the overlook of the river and the spirits of history. A very nice walk or bike ride indeed.

Colonial Shooting Range
You’d be surprised what a great date this can be.

Karaoke at Lakeside Tavern
Divey and sure to create a memorable moment, sing it loud and proud.

Love Potions

If you’re like me and don’t want to eat on a first date, a good way to get to know someone is to just hang out and have a drink. These places are good for conversation and provide a nice space and good libations. I like a good bar for a first date. Sitting at the bar with a good bartender helps as well, they tend to facilitate conversation and can set a mood. Neighborhood bars are my favorite choices and remember, it doesn’t always have to be an alcoholic bar to be fun.


The Jasper
It’s dark in a good way. The bartenders will impress your date. You can take a walk down Carytown after.

Ninja Kombucha
Cute, neighborhood setting and it’s good for ya!

Union Market
A nice way to sit outside and enjoy each other’s company and plan for your life together in sought after Church Hill.

The Tottering TeaCup
So quaint and a nice hot cup of tea will put you both at ease.

Fuzzy Cactus
It’s fun with great music and affordable drinks and you can play pool!

Very nice cocktail menu and a smaller bar and if you’re feeling confident, you can share an app.


The Morning After

Looks like it’s breakfast for two! You like them, you really, really like them. Not ready to say goodbye? Enjoy a nice brunch/breakfast together at these fine establishments and set your next date!

Unique and always delicious.

The name says it all.

For that lazy kinda morning.

Joe’s Inn
To soak up all the alcohol with!

Moore Cafe
When you gotta be to work on time.