My New Home

I never thought I’d ever be selling houses. Time and time again people would approach me declaring I’d make a great agent. Four years later, here I am. I’ve taken the bundle of skills I have and now my journey is progressing into a career that I love and am excited about.

I’m happy to announce my new home at Nestiny Realty. I feel great things will come from this union and I hope it will make me a greater agent, one with more knowledge and one which will lead me to finding lifelong clients who will become friends. The best part of this business is building relationships with people and helping them on their endeavor to home ownership. There’s nothing more satisfying than handing someone those keys to a home which will serve many new memories to come and a community they will benefit from.

Home means so many things for me and having found Nestiny as my new real estate home is just as meaningful as the one I live in. I look forward to an enriching culture here and a new road to take my clients on. Let’s begin our adventures together and let’s find you a new beginning!