National Homeowners Month


My dad is laying on the couch, a Kent King hanging from his mouth, green beanie on, newspaper in hand, football on the television while my mom’s sewing machine hums from my pink and white bedroom, altering clothes for the local department store. My brother and I just completed shooting hoops and climbing trees in the backyard and now we crave the Little Debbies! Our orange and white cat Tommy lays spread out on the orange and green kitchen floor waiting to be fed. The scenes from my childhood home varied over time. From crawfish littering the red patio out back while my aunts and uncles, Schlitz cans in hand, scuffled to Zydeco tunes, to the soundtrack from “A Star is Born” filling the house up on a Saturday morning, to the first time I watched in awe from our sun soaked living room, MTV’s first airing, that house held so many good, and not so good memories. And maybe a ghost a two. I remember that house in all its details like it was yesterday.

Owning a home brings with it the feel of the ultimate achievement. Home is where we find comfort and protection. It’s the place where we can put our feet up and dance naked. It’s the setting for birthdays, new beginnings and hopeful endings. It is our blank canvas and the expression of ourselves where we invite others to be a part of. There is nothing like coming home from a hectic day, taking off the work clothes, and sitting on the back patio, beverage in hand. Home is an extension of ourselves. I think that is why it is supremely satisfying to own one.

This month is Homeowners Month, and we want nothing more than to help you to obtain this goal. We have great lenders who will work to find you the best lending options. We have a dedicated and efficient team who will guide you through the entire process and we will all start with one thing—a dream. Your dream. Start putting that wishlist together because even though you think you can’t afford a home to call your own, ask yourself, where are you now? Are you paying $1200-2000 of someone else’s mortgage? Just sayin’. Start putting that plan in place because you CAN do it!

This month ask yourself some questions: If you already own a home, is it the one you really want? Have your needs changed? Do you even like it anymore after Covid? Are you crushing on your neighbors or has Mr. Jones’ dog driven you mad? Did you change jobs? Did your kids just graduate? Are you sick of mowing your lawn? Can you receive the long awaited guests you’ve been missing? Are you ready for a custom built fantasy? Are you NEVER going back to the office? Generational land becoming appealing to you? So many questions, so much pondering to do, but so many possibilities!

So, this month, think about what home means to you and where you want to be. We’re here if you need us! And yes, you can AirBNB the shed! You know what’s great for motivation, a vision. I too have a vision for Home Ownership, wanna see?