Quarantine Chronicles: Come What May

Yesterday was glorious! The sun. The heat. It might seem like everything was normal again—but, it’s not. I was talking with my neighbor and I asked him what all that banging around back there (points to his backyard) was all about. He said, he figured he had all this time right now and was talking to some fellow colleagues and they all started gardens. So, he decided to give it a go by building some raised beds and acquiring a spreadsheet with instructions. Apparently if you search for ‘garden spreadsheet’, a ton of different people have these available. Who knew? I can tell you, I didn’t.

I kill everything. From flowers to succulents, you give me a plant of any kind, I guarantee you, I will murder the hell out of it. I did not inherit this from my mom or my family. My mom is a magical horticulturist. I’ve seen her take the deadest plant and bring it back to life. I’ve seen her cultivate Japanese maples like it was her job. It’s pretty amazing. While my mom was making hybrid-colored roses growing up, she and my dad also maintained a vegetable garden. If there is anything this little pandemic has taught us is to utilize time wisely and who needs the grocery store when organic is freshly picked from your backyard.

For some of you, this may be a new adventure. I thought I’d help out, since I can only grow what’s in my wine glass, by providing some veggies and flowers that are perfect for planting at this time. So, get to growing!

Flowers Ready for the Picking



One of my top blooms that make any home radiate beauty and elegance, the Japanese native bloom is legend. According to a Japanese legend, the hydrangea became associated with heartfelt emotion, gratitude for understanding, and apology after a Japanese emperor gave them to the family of the girl he loved to make up for neglecting her in favor of business and show how much he cared about her.



These pretty flowers are fragrant and vibrant. Not only are they ornamental, but its attributes consist of peacefulness, wholeness, and modesty.



The zinnia flower has several meanings including thoughts of friends, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness and lasting affection.



Tall and any statement to your home, Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity.

How Does Your Garden Grow


The marigold is also called the “herb of the sun”, representing passion and even creativity.


Carrots are perfect for snacking during the heat and the better to see you with my dear.


What’s a happenin’ hot stuff? Time to get your peppers for pickin’.


You say Tomato, I say, how much salsa, tomato sandwiches, and spaghetti sauce will you make during this time?


You’re gonna need something to top that BBQ you plan on grilling or a nice summer Asian slaw will be a nice accompaniment to your outdoor dining.



This is a great time to plant herbs like Basil, Lavender, Rosemary, and Oregano. Perfect to enhance your cooking and your libations!