Support RVA Restaurants

Special Announcement

I’ve been a part of the restaurant industry in RVA for a majority of my life. Even now, as a real estate agent, I still work at Cafe Rustika as a server/bartender. Our food and beverage industry has done amazing things for the progression of our city. It has given us amazing food, places to congregate with friends and family, a setting to meet with clients, places to wallow in our every day worries, bartenders and waitstaff who have worked long hours and have fine tuned their service abilities and knowledge, and most importantly has put us on the map as a desirable city to live, work and visit, creating jobs and commerce here.

There was a time, I was so thankful I worked in a restaurant because it was the only meal I got that day. I have had restaurants bring new friends into my life and as well as given me lifelong acquaintances. I have a large amount of friends who own restaurants here in RVA which include Lulabelle’s Cafe, Don’t Look Back, Nota Bene, ZZQ, Urban Hang Suite, Nomad’s, Kuba Kuba, Longoven, Cask Cafe, Gus’, Rosie’s, Penny Lane Pub, all of Kendra Murden’s Restaurants (Roosevelt, Laura Lee’s, Garnett’s Cafe), Cobra Cabana and Metzger/Brenner Pass to name a few. The point is, I always believe in RVA, in our communities, and honestly, in my friends. I know it is a difficult time for them and their investments, their livelihoods, and their contributions to our great city.

So, although some of us are struggling right now, I ask that those who can spare what they can to please contribute to the Richmond Restaurant Relief Fund. We all do what we can, if you don’t want to help these folks out and you’d rather donate your funds, time or items elsewhere, I encourage you to do so. We don’t really know how long this is going to last just yet, and I’d like to know that our ability to unite and help others with kindness and compassion is still present in RVA.

If anyone else would like to add an additional medium for donations, please feel free to reach out to me by texting (804.571.1727) or emailing me: As we all break bread, let’s give some too.