Where the Magic Happens

I love my bedroom. I spent a majority of my childhood sharing a bedroom with my younger brother, and although his sleepwalking adventures were fascinating and our bunk bed shenanigans were delightful, moving from a three bedroom childhood home to a two bedroom apartment deemed challenging. As I progressed into teendom and the wearing out of every Cure tape I had, my mother ended up on a couch while my brother settled into his own space. Twas hard times back then.

As an adult, I long for the day of having all matching furniture, an accent wall, and room for a chaise lounge and ensuite bathroom to call my own. Let’s not forget a walk-in closet that i can actually see my clothes and shoes in. Sigh, bedrooms are for dreaming right?

I think we can all agree that the intimacy a bedroom can provide is also the intimacy it can provoke. It is February people! But seriously, bedrooms should be a place of relaxation, fantasy, a place to be pensive and quiet, and provide you with your own private sanctuary. Here are some bedroom ideas for you to sleep on:

Textured Accent Walls

We’ve stared at four walls for quite some time now and the bedroom is no different. Creating a textured accent wall can add depth and really showcase that dreamy furniture of yours and it’s an easy DIY project! Make different patterns and be creative.

Pendant Lighting

Lighting in a bedroom is everything! I love the look of hanging pendant lights and the variety of styles and shapes is aplenty. My only qualm about this one is if you are anything like me and want to switch your bed elsewhere in six months, moving lighting around can be difficult. The look is stunning though!

Wallpaper Accented Walls

When you want to be able to change up your background, go with easily interchangeable wallpaper to create a dramatic effect.

Upholstered and Shapely Headboards

Bespoke headboards are making a comeback and in gorgeous colors and textures. Headboards in general are making their way back into the scene with cool shapes and bold patterns that make spotlighting your restful slumber unique and expressive. They are also easy to DIY your own creations.

Painted and Textured Furniture

Bring pops of color into the bedroom with muted, colorful or textured furniture. We are still seeing deep rich woods, but color adds some pizzazz to your space.

Time to get to work and bring some magical refresh skills to your boudoir. Find your bedroom style, whether it’s moody and dark or light and bright. Visit estate sales and upcycled shops to find unique pieces you can refinish and make your own. Check out some local artists, and give your bedroom walls a little oomph. RVA has so many great woodworkers, artisans, and designers to make for a very comfortable and sacred place. Nighty, nighty!