Can't Delete? Hit Refresh.

I look around my house and I want to cry sometimes because we are in that stage where we plan to renovate, but can’t right now so things are just left in disarray. Every Spring, hell every 6 months I really enjoy a good cleaning and refresh of my home. That means dusting everything from floor boards to ceiling fans and moving furniture to new places. It really does change the energy.

So this season, I’ve decided to stop whining about it and start room by room with a true renewal. Get the gloves out, initiate the elbow grease, and start envisioning a refreshed living space. Check out these simple and affordable tips for reinvigorating your home.



Reorganize and clean your fridge out. Take everything out, wipe down everything, throw out old food and condiments and start anew. Don’t forget to put your baking soda in there to eliminate odors. Throw out freezer burned items and save space by using storage containers and bags.


Take everything out. Wipe down shelves and sweep and clean floor space. Contain. Label. Organize by function. Voila! Save space and make it pretty!


A perfect way to refresh is to add some new color to your kitchen with newly painted cabinets, update them with new hardware. Replace countertops or do a good wipe down of the old ones. Add some decor like flowers, candles, and new containers for oils and culinary essentials. Add an water resistant rug or add additional shelving.


Bedrooms are easy to update and refreshen. Move beds and furniture (yes, you finally found that lost sock) and thoroughly vacuum or dust/mop underneath. Decorate some repurposed furniture with wallpaper or paint. Paint an accent wall. Wash draperies. Get rid of clutter and organize drawers. Add a new area rug. Change up or frame some artwork. Change the lamps or light fixtures to add a whole new mood. And easiest of all, buy new bed linens and pillows. Replace curtains or buy some unique curtain holdbacks.

Bed Cleaning Tip: Sprinkle baking soda after vacuuming your mattress and let sit for 15-30 minutes before replacing linens.


Offices can get a refresh by organizing files and clutter. Adding a nice shelf can help with organizing materials or adding some nice decor. Add a plant and get some calmness to your workspace. Clean desks and wipe down monitors good. Clean keyboards, they get real nasty after a while. Get some drawer organizers to help with your drawer clutter. Add some candles to create a tranquil aromatic work environment.

The Rest of the House?

Time to find that lost $20 from 2018. Move all the furniture and thoroughly vacuum or sweep/mop the room. Dust off all shelves, remove books, wipe down floor boards and mouldings, and ceiling fans. Dust picture frames as well. Smell the clean! Replace candles, drape blankets, vacuum inside furniture. Refresh an area rug or paint a wall. Add the ceiling fan you’ve always wanted or create a built-in look with shelves.

Closets: Remove clothing and clean inside. Organize and purge clothing and shoes. I know, I still have hope for those jeans from college. Color coordinate or function coordinate clothing. Invest in some good hangers that won’t have your clothes end up on the floor. Use clear boxes for shoe organization or add hooks for belts and bags. Use dryer sheets to keep clothes smelling fresh.

Just a simple deep clean of your home will refresh and revitalize. Trust me you’ll feel so much better and more energized. Create the space you want to live in. There are so many things you can do to add unique touches and make it feel like a completely new space.

** Cleaning Tip: sprinkle baking soda to all your rugs before vacuuming. Use vinegar to get rid of odors. Invest in good cleaning products!