Essential Dad Tips

Dan and Morella Shebaylo at Forest Hill Park
Photo by: Jo Ann Breaux

A Few Single Dad Tips

Some dads are super hands on while others have let their significant others take that role. As a single dad, you no longer have them to handle the day to day. Being prepared for visitation will show them you got this, and ensure your kids have not one, but two great homes!

  • Learn to cook food that doesn’t come from a can

  • Don’t talk bad about your former partner in front of them

  • Always have a first aid kit, medications, ie. allergy, aspirin, tylenol on hand

  • Bandaids in bulk!

  • Always have a surplus of diapers if needed

  • Make sure a list of all emergency numbers are on the fridge or easily found (this is for you and the kids)

  • Make sure your fire alarms are working properly

  • Make sure they have clothes that fit them properly that include dress clothes and dress shoes

  • If you’ve got a teenage daughter make sure she has the essential feminine products as well as her favorite makeup

  • Make sure there is space for both you and your kids. Most single dads get apartments after the split, you want enough space where they can be comfortable and feel safe.

  • Get some games, books, puzzles, video games for the house

  • Always have some sort of plans on the weekends, this will save valuable time and also create some balance with their playtime vs yours

  • Remember, your house, your rules. You and your ex will have different ones so establish that with your kids so there’s no confusion.

  • Don’t introduce them to a new mate right away, give it a minute to see if you like them first (3-5 months is suggested)

  • Plenty of snacks!

  • Find kids their age in the neighborhood you’re living in or make playdates with schoolmates

  • Get a seasons pass to an amusement park, a museum, season tickets to ball games, swimming pools, etc.

  • Make sure they do their homework and that you are also a primary contact with the school. I’ve seen a lot of single dads miss their kid’s events because they weren’t informed

  • Co-Parent, civilly and patiently. For some this is difficult, but one solid conversation with your ex where you establish that you are going to be there as their father and that you should work together and communicate effectively in raising your kids.

  • Keep “daddy’s things” locked up

  • Don’t forget the bedtime stories

  • Spend time with them and have fun, that’s all they really want

I’m sure I’m missing some stuff here, but feel free to add some in the comments section!