Flying the Coop

So your nest is empty, but is downsizing right for you? The kids just graduated from college and you are now looking at life from a different lens. It is a lot to think about getting rid of a home that holds memories and space that you’ve been accustomed to for some time, so where to begin and is it the right choice for you?

Manageability. Do you really need a 3,000 sq ft of home at this time? Maybe you want something that is lower maintenance that won’t require as many man hours to keep up, like the yard and the cleaning and the home improvements on an older home.

Location. Location. Location. I’ve recently noticed a lot of older individuals moving into more urban properties. Perhaps you’ve grown weary of your evolving neighborhood. Maybe there aren’t a lot of activities to do there and you are looking for more walkability. Location is important when you are wanting more out of your home.

Absent but not Absent Minded. You are finally ready to go on your own adventure and whether it is traveling the world or becoming the snow bird you’ve always dreamed of, selling your home could be part of that equation.

Cash Prize. Downsizing could be a smart move if it makes for a lower mortgage payment. Extra cash means extra fun for you or pragmatically, strategize your long term care plan. It can also reduce utility bills and reduce unnecessary clutter.

Help Out the Youth. With inventory as low as it has been, buyers are eager to snatch up real estate as though it was the last roll of toilet paper during Covid times. Consider the ease of selling.

It Ain’t Just for the Old. Anytime anyone mentions downsizing, the image of an elderly couple waving goodbye to their children conjures, but honestly you may be downsizing for a variety of reasons including divorce, financial distress, or a change in lifestyle.

I Can Drive at 55. 55 is not an age I consider old, especially since I’m so close to it. Downsizing to a 55+ community could be an opportunity to make new friends, have some nice amenities, lower maintenance, and enjoy lower costs.

There are many reasons for downsizing and depending on where you are in your life will determine if this is the best option for you. It is time for you to dream and think of all the possibilities of not being tied down to something you may have needed out of necessity. I’m always here to help and ease the transition.