How to Cozy Up This Season

You wouldn’t think Winter was right around the corner with this glorious weather we’ve been having here in RVA, but it will arrive at some point. Take this time to get your home ready for the holidays and the hibernation period by doing these few things to cozy up the place:

  • Get your firewood now! I have a feeling people are going to be hunkering down this season so get that wood quick for those crisp evenings by the fire pit and those cold winter nights by the fireplace.

  • Get some blankets for binging. Check out this warm and fuzzy list.

  • Purchase some door draft stoppers so you can save on that heating bill!

  • Get some cozy slippers so those tootsies will be warm all winter long!

  • Update your bedding with darker linens and add some plush blankets.

  • Change up your family pics to include some apple or pumpkin picking or playing in the snow.

  • Soften up your indoor lighting, as the nights start earlier, it will help relax and keep the stress away.

  • Add some scented holiday candles around the house, consider cloves, oranges and peppermint as options.

Remember to buy local for all your holiday gift ideas!