Quarantine Chronicles: Ghosting on Halloween

Photo by: LadyJRVA

Photo by: LadyJRVA

I don’t know about the rest of you parents, but i have a 7 year old who has been talking about her Halloween costume since June. Obviously this is going to be really difficult on the kids. I’m sure there will be plenty of Halloween block parties and people risking the virus taking their kids trick or treating, I mean they are wearing masks anyway. For all of us, who don’t want candy collectors and our kids to be exposed going to random houses, there are some ways to enjoy the holiday and give your kids a bootastic evening.

Have a Zoombie Party

Gather their friends and exchange some scary stories. Vote for best costumes. Get the kids to write a song and share.

Have your own Halloween Party

Gather those in your “bubble” and have a fun time with costumes and spooky drinks. Have a pizza making event or a candy scavenger hunt. Make some phantastic cookies! Don’t forget the scary movies!

Do a Drive By

If you are hosting children for Halloween, leave little pumpkins with candy and some hand sanitizer out so they can grab and go! Have a halloween caravan with fun decorated signs and streamers. They can hang their bags/pumpkins outside the car window and be greeted by some great costumed candy distributors.

Have a Socially Distanced Halloween Picnic

Throw some blankets out in a wooded area or open field with treats or do it in a backyard with a projection screen for some fun scary movies! Have a bonfire!

Have the Treats Delivered to You!

Get someone you know to dress up and deliver treats to the house. You can say a a spooky guests will be stopping by for a surprise.

Set Up a Spooktacular Table

Have a walk up table filled with little baggie or mini pumpkin treats with hand sanitizers available. make sure you mark some six foot lines in sidewalk chalk to keep things distanced.

Have a Teaching Moment

Take this time to teach your children other country’s Halloween traditions, ie  Día de Muertos or Samhain.

No matter what you decide this year, just make sure you are safe and protected. Be creative and take this moment to connect with your kids. Talk about what scary to them, read them stories, make decorations or food. There are so many ways to celebrate the holidays safely and heartily!