Quarantine Chronicles: 13 Tips for Seasonal Home Prep

Yes, I see that yard filling up with the leaves. I also see the gutters overflowing. October is the perfect time to start prepping your home for the colder months OR for a possible listing. Here are few things to do to make that happen and increase not only curb appeal, but also add value to your home!

  1. Get those gutters cleaned and schedule any roof repair needed.

  2. Get those last mowings done and start protecting your plants and gardens.

  3. Go around and see what seals on your home need to be repaired or replaced. Include repairing any leaks that your home might have as well.

  4. Replace any old insulation.

  5. Get your fireplaces cleaned and make sure they are in working order. This includes your furnaces and heating units. Get covers for your AC units to aid them in lasting longer and not getting damaged through the winter months.

  6. Plant some grass seed for any patches in your yard or where the swimming pool was this summer.

  7. Build your deck or repair it, it’s a great time for this and will lead to some nice outdoor space during those crisp evenings.

  8. Build your firepits and get some nice blankets for guests who come over.

  9. Paint your front doors and add some nice Fall decor to the mix, your home will feel refreshed and pop on the street.

  10. Clean out your closets! Whether you are purging or alternating into your winter wardrobe, time to organize!

  11. Get wood for the fireplace and fire pits! Everyone is going to be scrambling since most of us will be holed up at home depending on Covid, so be prepared! Get your wood now!

  12. Power wash the exterior of the house. This is a must if you plan on selling. it will brighten and make your home look like new!

  13. Consider cleaning any carpets in the house. Sure, we’ve been quarantined and left in our homes a lot more, but this will increase as the weather gets colder. Humidity is dissipating and cooler temperatures will allow for windows can be opened making drying easier.