Quarantine Chronicles: Camper's Delight


It amazes me what happens when you are faced with a challenge. Some people rise up to it, while others let it defeat them. Most people take challenges and make them into opportunities. It’s prime time for creativity and maybe trying some new things.

When I was a kid we camped out of an RV in the woods or at Holly Beach which has been pretty much battered by hurricanes. I remember fishing with my dad off of piers in morning Louisiana heat while my mother got flustered with the amount of snakes she caught. She remedied it by feeding the alligators. My mom is no stranger to the wilderness as she basically grew up in the jungle and my dad on the bayous of Louisiana. I however prefer cabins and a proper latrine. Camping has otherwise been my least favorite vacation option for fear of creatures crawling in a tent I cannot get out of, a mask serial killer lurking in the woods, or creating my own Blair Witch scenario. Not a fan.


This weekend, with Covid still affecting the way we as a family spend time together prompted my Mister to book a campsite. As you can imagine, my anxiety kicked in, but I realized that memories like these will last a lifetime with a precocious seven year old. So, he signed up for HipCamp and away we went to — Dinwiddie, VA??

We left later than scheduled (per usual) and we arrived after a long gravel road where many trucks and what looked like a mini salvage yard. We were greeted by our hosts Kirstin and Dale, she with a glass of wine (my kind of gal) and he a tall thin man who made sure the coals on the fire were hot to warm us. We were not expecting the campsite to be as close to the main house as it was, but as with all things, don’t judge so quickly. Once we got all our things in order and could finally sit and relax, the Harvest Moon above us shining bright, you could begin to see the mist on the creek. Our hosts hung out with us for a minute and then retreated inside, leaving us to make some food and relax.


I do love nature. I love the sound of waves on the ocean, the crunching of leaves in the forest, and the serene beauty that can come from it. I forget to appreciate it and this weekend would prove to bring that awareness back to my senses. I also just enjoy the simpler things in life sometimes. As the little lady explored the grounds, I kept thinking how great it was that she could just be happy without a screen in her face. We were surprised at location, we had no idea a large property in Dinwiddie could bring us such an experience.

My Mister and I talked over the fire one night about our hosts. Who were these people who lived on 100+ acres with salvage items in their yard, lots of trucks, and had a good sized machete? How strange it must seem to have strangers stay on your property while you enjoy the modern conveniences of your home. Sometimes I feel like our minds have been tarnished by technology and the new media, it puts us on edge before we even assess a situation. There were a lot of firsts this weekend. It was our little lady and I’s first real camping trip, like in a tent and all! She also caught her first fish, rode in a canoe for the first time, and I think it was all our first times in Dinwiddie. And in all these “firsts”, the thing that made the most impression was sitting around by a fire with our hosts and talking. Just telling stories, swapping experiences, conversing about current events and what we all do for a living. It was a camp fire convene worth having. You realize in these moments that this type of connection is valid and the warmth it brings is more comforting than any fire. Even our gal was sharing her life with these strangers and it was a beautiful thing to witness, she has been so timid in recent pasts with people in general. She even asked Mr. Dale if she could go out with him as he set out to fish in the morning. She played in leaves, put her feet in the water, caught a grasshopper and spent time with lines in the creek with her dad.


It truly was just a peaceful and serene weekend that replaced our Covid cancelled nuptials. Kirstin and Dales hospitality was off the charts and we were happy to spend time with them on their beautiful property and 11 acre lake. Just perfect. So, for all of you feeling the pressure of unemployment, of unpredictability, of the news, the election, the virus, the murder hornets, the social unrest, the racism, the fires, the world…do yourself a favor, get you and / or your family and find yourself gazing at stars you usually can’t see, frolic through meadows, canoe in a lake, go fishing, listen to the pop and crackle of a fire, or look up as the trees begin to the release their foliage. You might even consider buying a piece of your own rustic getaway.

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