Time to Shine


I do believe we will be spending another Spring / Summer in limited social capacity. Yes, I too am over it. While some of you will take the chance to leap onto greener pastures through travel or masked frolicking, others will now start to plan their warmer weathered activities.

As I stare at the dead plants upon which I adorn my stoop and porch with, I can fairly say my gardening skills are less than stellar. Cutting grass for me is quite enjoyable as I see it taking the place of my wasted gym membership (which I’m still paying for by the way). We broke down and forked out a stimulus check to get a pool worth wading in while basking in the Summer heat. It got a little messy in our backyard to say the least. This year, I want to create an inviting, pest free space. A space that doesn’t denote the hint of unemployed and overfilled recycling bins, one that says, “Hello, welcome to our Summer bubble, won’t you come in and enjoy this lavender flavored iced tea.”

All that being romanticized, we have a large yard. Last year I broke down and got my own landscaper who mulches, weeds, and takes care of anything that will put us in the “trashy” category. I also recalled last year’s heavily booked schedules for landscapers, painters, gutter cleaners, powerwashers and roofers. So here’s your little reminder for all those wanting that luxurious looking curb appeal to get on the books now! Here are a few I’ve used who provide excellent service. I recommend one that provides a membership-like schedule.






Handy Repairs

In addition to yard primping, Spring cleaning should be on the list as well. Think about how long you’ve been inside, living, working, playing in your home. Also, a great Mother’s Day gift *wink *wink. A good deep clean will refresh your home for the new season and what better way to eliminate any wandering virus potentials. These cleaners are Covid safe and will give your home that sun shiny clean it’s been waiting for!


In addition to yard primping, Spring cleaning should be on the list as well. Think about how long you’ve been inside, living, working, playing in your home. Also, a great Mother’s Day gift *wink *wink. A good deep clean will refresh your home for the new season and what better way to eliminate any wandering virus potentials. These cleaners are Covid safe and will give your home that sun shiny clean it’s been waiting for!

My Best Cleaners

Some other improvements/refreshes to make during this time:

  • Resealing/Painting of Decks

  • Painting the Front Door a New Color

  • Updating your Roof if Needed

  • Ordering Maintenance for Your HVAC Units

  • Buy your Above Ground Pool NOW

  • Get New Cushions for Your Outdoor Furniture

  • Paint your Fences

  • Call Me to Do a Walkthrough for Listing Your Home!

Let the beautification begin! For any all recommendations visit: